Video Analysis

Evaluative studies and generative studies can generate video evidence you will work with after Data Capture, Well-Managed Data. You will have some insight into what to look for in your video after Interview Debrief. You must "consume" the video as soon as possible after capturing it to identify key moments and strengthen (correct) your belief of what you think you saw in this interview.
The challenge
All data has a weight—the cost to carry it and process it. Video is the heaviest kind of data we can work with. Sitting on unanalyzed data degrades our work in two ways. It degrades our initial sense of the evidence, rooted in the experience of the session. And it degrades our performance with an ever-increasing anxiety about getting back into the [increasingly unfamiliar] context of working with this evidence.
The approach
Therefore, work with your video as quickly as possible. Plan 2 hours of review time for every 1 hour of video. As you review the video, cross reference your notes and debrief insights, as well as any existing models or hypotheses. Record your observations along with timestamps for each one, so you trace your observations back to the source.
Where appropriate, take action immediately Bug & Defect Tracking. You can expose evaluative issues to the team with video highlight share-outs and include the best clips as a part of Effective Reporting. Working with the evidence is an act that will quickly suggest a range of Conceptual Models to the attentive researcher.